Stronge Effectiveness Performance Evaluation System
The Stronge Teacher and Leader Effectiveness Performance Evaluation System is a comprehensive, uniform evaluation system that consists of teacher, educational specialist, leader, paraprofessional, and classified/non-certificated staff components. Each of the aforementioned educators is evaluated against six research-based professional standards. A seventh standard—Student Progress—is an optional, results-based standard for measurable student or program growth. The Stronge Evaluation System uses multiple data sources, including observations, artifacts, optional surveys, and goal setting/student learning objectives to provide a comprehensive performance portrait of each educator. Throughout the evaluation cycle, evidence toward each of the performance standards is gathered via these multiple sources. At the end of the evaluation cycle, the evaluator determines where the preponderance of evidence places the educator on a four-level rubric associated with the particular performance standard. Based on the weighting a school assigns to each of the standards, a single summative score with an associated rating level can then be calculated, if desired.
Some districts and states prefer to incorporate student outcome measures directly into an educator's evaluation, rather than incorporating them under the overarching umbrella of standard 7.
Multiple Data Sources
Throughout the evaluation cycle, evidence is collected via multiple data sources.
At the summative stage, evaluators determine at what rating level the "preponderance of evidence" places the educator in each performance standard.
Stronge Teacher and Leader Effectiveness System
The Stronge Evaluation System is just one component of the Stronge Teacher and Leader Effectiveness System.