How to Fill Out the Student Eligibility Form

This paper form is used when a request for accommodations cannot be submitted through SSD Online. The reasons may be:

  1. The family is not requesting through the school
  2. The student is homeschooled
  3. The school doesn't have access to SSD online

When families submit the Eligibility Form without going through the school

When a family sends the Student Eligibility Form and documentation directly to the College Board, all sections, except Section 15 (Confirming Information and Signature), must be completed. An incomplete Student Eligibility Form will not be processed.

When a school submits the Student Eligibility Form for a student

Sections 1–10 and Section 16 are generally completed (and must be signed) by the student or parent. Sections 11–15 are to be completed by the official representative of the student’s school (often the school’s SSD coordinator). The school will then mail the application for accommodations on the student’s behalf but should keep a copy of each student’s submitted eligibility form on file.

Before you start

Before you start, you’ll need to know:


Print out the Student Eligibility Form.

When printing, do not change the size of the form. Use the default actual size.

Student Eligibility Form

Get line-by-line advice on completing this form at Filling Out the Student Eligibility Form.

Complete Sections 1–10: Student Identifying Information.

Do not leave any items blank—that could delay the processing of your request.

<a href=Screen shot of sections 1-10 of Student Eligibility Form including name, address, date of birth, school" />

Section 7: Country Code

If your mailing address is outside the United States, U.S. territories, or Puerto Rico, write the country code, available in your guidance office or online using Code Search on the SAT website.

Section 8: College Board High School Code

Section 9: Date of Next Intended Test

Select the first test that you intend to take with accommodations, then enter the month and year of the exam.

Complete Sections 11–12: Requested Accommodations and Use of Accommodations Requested.

Screenshot of Sections 11 and 12 Section 11 - Specify the <a href=accommodations being requested; Section 12 screenshot is described below" />

Section 11: Requested Accommodations

In most cases, the student should request only those accommodations currently provided in school. If any accommodations are being requested that have not been provided for school tests, or are not included the school plan, this must be indicated in section 14.

  1. Extended Time. Indicate the amount of extended time the student is requesting for each subject type. If the student is not requesting extended time for a specific section, leave that question blank. Keep these facts in mind:
  2. Breaks. Extra and extended breaks do not count toward testing time. If approved for breaks as needed, the student will be in control of when and how long a break will occur. This type of break is provided within the student’s own school.
  3. Reading and Seeing Text Assistance.
  4. Recording Responses.
  5. Other Assistance. If the student is requesting preferential seating or another accommodation not listed above (i.e., other), please specify what is being requested. For example, "near proctor" or "away from door" may be used to clarify a request for preferential seating.

Note: Accommodations listed on the form with an asterisk require School Testing for the SAT Program because Weekend Test Centers do not offer these accommodations.

Section 12: Use of Accommodations Requested

Section 12 - Are the requested accommodations included in student

Complete Sections 13–14: Disability and Documentation.

Section 13: Disability

Section 13 - Screenshot of disability Identification

Section 14: Documentation

Section 14 - <a href=Screenshot of Documentation of Support for request " />

  1. Formal Educational Plan/Program:
    1. Indicate whether the student has a current (within 12 months) IEP, 504 plan, or some other type of school-generated formal plan.
    2. Indicate in the box the date of the current plan/program, even if it was created at another school. If your records do not indicate when the current plan was created, enter the date of the oldest plan for which records exist (e.g., "prior to 2005"). If there is no plan or program, leave the space blank.
    3. Indicate in the box the date of the initial plan/program, even if it was created at another school. If your records do not indicate when the initial plan was created, enter the date of the oldest plan for which records exist (e.g., "prior to 2005"). If there is no plan or program, leave the space blank.
    1. Please indicate the type of evaluation (i.e., psychoeducational, neuropsychological, psychological, psychiatric, medical, visual, audiological, etc.) used to diagnose the disability. Remember that a doctor’s note is generally not sufficient and cannot substitute for comprehensive testing, except in the case of certain physical/visual conditions.
    2. Commonly used cognitive ability tests include the most recent version of the WAIS or WISC, and commonly used academic achievement tests include the Woodcock-Johnson Tests of Achievement and the WIAT.

    SSD coordinator completes Section 15.

    Section 15 - Screenshot of SSDC coordinator information