Micro Surfacing.

A precise mixture of polymer-modified asphalt emulsion, quality aggregates, mineral filler and water is uniformly spread over the existing, properly prepared surface. Most installations are done in two successive lifts (a leveling course plus a wearing course), and after application, the mixture adheres firmly to the pavement underneath.


Consider Micro Surfacing when

a road is showing early signs of oxidation and age-related fatigue, but not yet in need of mill-and-fill or other more major (and costly) repair.

“Micro surfacing has proven invaluable in arresting the decline along the deterioration curve on our roads, allowing parallel devotion of a suitable amount of funding to structural work in needy areas. Coupled with a network crack sealing effort, micro surfacing has been the most important addition to our array of road resurfacing methods.”

— Steven Masalin, Public Works Director, Ledyard, CT

“I have been a micro surfacing client with indus for several years and am very happy with the durability it provides. The winter of 2017/2018 was very tough on several of my unprotected asphalt roads due to the countless freeze/thaw cycles. The roads we micro surfaced stood up extremely well to the harsh winter conditions and showed no further signs of deterioration. ”

— Chris Stoddard, PE, Director of Public Works, Littleton, MA

Request a Specification or Professional Evaluation

Looking for a treatment recommendation on a particular road, need more details on one of our processes, have a network management question, or just looking for more information with a personal touch?

Other Road Treatments:

Paver-placed Stabilized Full Depth Reclamation

Cape Seal


Cold In-place Recycling

Crack Seal

Fog Seal

High Friction Surfacing

Hot-Applied Mastics

Micro Surfacing

Saw & Seal