Galaxy Exhibit

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Device(Install),USB Driver ver. v1_3_2410_0 Win XP/Vista/Windows 7 ENGLISH

Galaxy Exhibit (T-Mobile)



Galaxy Exhibit (T-Mobile)
Provides who the cell phone carrier is for this model of phone. Form Factor Choice of colors (exterior design) that a model is currently available in.

Android™ 2.3.5, Gingerbread OS

Product Dimensions (inches) Height, width and depth of the phone, measured in inches (in.).

4.54" x 2.35" x 0.45"

Camera resolution (Front) Camera resolution (Rear)

Number of pixels across and down that are used to capture an image. More pixels, the sharper the photo.

Auto Focus, LED Flash, Self-Portrait, GPS Tag

Battery, Standby

Amount of time available in Sleep mode in which a phone's display is inactive to save power, but not totally shut down. Smartphone Battery Life Time Test Procedures

Battery, Talk Time

Battery power consumption depends on factors such as network configuration, signal strength, operating temperature, features selected, vibrate mode, backlight settings, browser use, frequency of calls and voice, data and other application usage patterns. Smartphone Battery Life Time Test Procedures

Battery Type and Size

Internal Memory
(User memory is less than the total memory due to storage of the operating system and software used to operate the features. Actual user memory will vary depending on the operator and may change after software upgrades are performed.)


External Memory/microSD™ Capacity

Hardware device or memory card that connects to a phone for the purpose of receiving and storing data.